Now you can download videos you love online easily and for free! All you need to do is select an online tool to upload video on your desktop or phone. Here are some sites we recommend you try to download your favorite content from the internet.
Notmp3 offers a Free Video Downloader for YouTube. The straightforward and powerful downloader tool has 100+ useless options for downloading music, playlists from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TikTok and 1000+ more sites. We love this app because its truly free and provides high-quality recording (including 4K and Full HD) without Ads.
Benefits: for Windows PC / ad-free / HD quality / MP4, WMV, WEBM, MP3, M4A formats

Freemake Video Downloader
Named #1 free YouTube downloader for 10 years, Freemake has revolutionized capturing videos online. From YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Twitch and more, the downloader can save several web videos or files to your computer at once. We love this freeware’s ability to save an entire YT channel at HD quality. You also can upload to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive!
Benefits: for Windows PC & Mac / ad-free / HD quality / MP4, WebM, 3GP, Flash FLV formats

YTD Video Downloader & Video Converter
YTD is great for fast speed download from streaming sites and to access your videos when offline. With an advanced panel you can monitor video downloader and video converter activity, download multiple videos at the same time. You can also convert your videos to MP3 or MP4. The PRO version provides unlimited downloads.
Benefits: for Windows PC / ad-free / HD quality / mp3, mp4, wmv, flv, mov, 3gp, avi formats

Apowersoft Video Downloader
Apowersoft Free Online Video Downloader provides a simple to download app that is fully compatible with any web browser and platform. We love the Search function which helps you find your selection and spend less time sorting through videos. This app requires no installation or sign up. Apowersoft also provides a lot of great guides and helpful instructions.
Benefits: for Windows PC / ad-free / HD quality / mp3, mp4, wmv, flv, mov, 3gp, avi, webm formats

There you have it — easy, powerful and FREE tools to save content you care about. Be aware that some free downloaders have a limit for the amount of videos that you can save or convert. Please let us know what you think about our favorites.
Find any good video downloaders online not listed here? Share your recommendations below.
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